Roland ilmoitti uudesta ajurista???
“This is to inform you that we have released the new windows driver for GS-24,GX-640/500/400/300/24 on both Imagi-net and Download center.”
Tässä latauslinkki. Valitse software: Lataa
Tässä ohje, kuinka ajurin asennus onnistuu:
I wanted to share this video to you because this has helped us solve the issues with VersaWorks 6 blue screen and some of the GS-24 / GS2-24 driver problems.
First do the procedure in the video, restart the computer, then uninstall the old driver and restart the computer, then install the new driver and restart the computer. Then hook up USB.
Should work.
With VW6 you don´t need to do anything except the procedure in the video.
Have a great weekend!
Uuden ajurin myötä Windows päivitykset voi taas ottaa käyttöön !!! Kannaattaa laittaa päälle !!!